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The Cybis studio released a number of nativity sculptures.
The Nativity "Porcelain Murals" were all open editions created from individual components attached to bases forming one-piece groupings. The camels were free standing. Each set of the Porcelain Murals came with a pair of camels. There were a total of eight murals in a complete nativity set. Each mural was priced separately for individual purchase. While most sculptures were sold as a set, merchants sold individual murals to collectors purchasing them as desired or in unfortunate scenarios, as needed to replace damaged or lost items. It's believed most retailers only ordered whole sets with individual pieces by special order. Yet, some 65 to 70 years later, full sets are seldom seen. Since most people used these sets as Christmas decorations, one or more pieces often were lost to damage over the years and now only partial sets survive.
"The Holy Family", while an individual mural in the set, was also presented in advertisement material and price lists separately. For a brief period after the murals were discontinued the Holy Family was still available and marketed with a pair of the 5 1/2" Kneeling Angels.
Another "Baby Jesus" in a manger (different design than the murals) was sold as a solitary piece with no companions.
The "First Christmas" nativity was introduced in the 1980's. Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph were released the first year with subsequent pieces following.
Cybis created the unique nativity murals from individual pieces produced from molds acquired from Atlantic Mold Company. The primary components used were the Baby Jesus, Mary, Joseph and a lamb. Later versions would see a dove added to the manger over Baby Jesus. Prices stated in later publications indicate there were no increases in price while in production. Issue pricing may not be accurate considering the studio did not keep records from the early 1950's. It may be assumed those prices were actually less since the studio did have regular price increases.
Issued / Completed Price
$45 $45 color
$30 $40 white
The nativity murals were offered in several finishes including Parian color, Parian white, Stained Glass color, Stained Glass white and Cypia. The Murals were discontinued by the late 1950's, but The Holy Family was made in color through 1964 with the white version being retired in 1965. Due to being available six to seven years after the companion murals were retired, The Holy Family is found more often than entire sets. Building a set now requires patience as most "orphan" pieces were long ago discarded but stray items do turn up from time to time.
The studio never released any sculpture that had separate parts or that required assembly. All fine china or porcelain pieces were put together with slip and fired to create a solid unit. Bonding agents were not used during the early years of production. In the case of The Holy Family, early versions had the Baby Jesus formed as a single piece in the manger. Productions issues required a redesigned version with the baby separated from the manger. After the redesign, the baby was permanently attached using slip, then fired. He was not loose and could not be removed or replaced without damaging the piece. Sculptures with a loose baby are broken. They were NOT made that way.
The original version had convex bases with bas-relief floral designs on the edges. They also had additional decoration around the figures simulating rocks. The new versions had plain concave bases and no "clutter" around each figure.
The 1964 catalog pictures The Holy Family with a pair of the 5 1/2" Kneeling Angels (previous image). Considering the rest of the murals had been discontinued more than five years earlier the angel pair complimented The Holy Family quite well. The next photo is the 1964 image recreated for this site.
The Herald Angel was a unique sculpture created by Cybis specifically for the Nativity Murals set. The studio attached the angel to the tree creating a one piece design.
Issued / Completed Price
$20 $20 color
$17 $17 white
While the angel itself is from a confirmed mold produced by Atlantic Mold, the tree used was actually from Holland Mold. Atlantic designed the angel to hang from the top of a wooden creche giving it the appearance of flying over the nativity scene. Cybis used the larger Holland Mold fir tree as a base to suspend the angel for a similar affect.
The Herald Angel is the hardest to find. Of all the mural sculptures noted having been offered separately on the secondary market, the Herald Angel is non-existent. It has not been documented in any public sales. Only one copy was offered for sale over the last 20 years and it was part of a complete eight mural set.
The Camel sculpture was a single unit, freestanding design with no base. Like the other mural pieces, the Camels were sold individually and retired at the same time as the other murals.
Issued / Completed Price
$15 $15 color
$12.50 $12.50 white
While no design variations exist, one color issue is worth mentioning. Since the camels were a pair, being two items made from the same mold, the studio decorated them in two colors to indicate while they came from the same mold, they were two different camels. A subtle color change for the saddle blanket and pouches indicated even though the Camels were sold two for one price, the studio sold two camels per set. Obviously, this fact is lost on an all white set.
The studio produced a list of current and completed sculptures in the late 1970's. Appearing as an appendix to later catalogs, the "Alphabetical Guide to Sculptures" listed the Camels as 18" tall. This was clearly an error as all examples found have all measured between 7" and 7 1/4" tall.
Early sculptures had the design number written in pencil and the Cybis logo signature stamped in pink or blue. Later editions had the hand signed Cybis signature.
The Shepherd with Flock sculpture was created from four units. The shepherd, one goat and two sheep were attached to a base like the other mural pieces. It was retired at the same time as the other murals.
Issued / Completed Price
$45 $45 color
$30 $30 white
Original design in Parian color on convex base.
Marketing material states the shepherd was 9 1/2" tall. Like the measurement for the Camels this was also a mistake as all verified copies have measured approximately 7 1/2" tall.
Revised version with concave base in Parian color. Examples on this base seen appear to have fewer details painted on the animals faces. Oder versions have more detailing around the noses and mouths.
Design variations are noted between the catalog image and actual copies. The example used in the catalog photo is missing the goat. The placement of the sheep has changed to compensate for the absent goat. It is not uncommon to see sheep and goats replace each other. If the studio was running short on one item during production substitutes were randomly made. Such differences would not be considered rare or command premiums. See the Shepherd Bearing Gifts for another example of this.
The Camel Tender sculpture was created from three units. The tender, a resting camel and a grazing sheep. Like the other mural pieces the three were attached to the base. The Camel Tender was retired when the other murals were retired.
Issued / Completed Price
$45 $45 color
$30 $30 white
It is not known why the studio did not include the Camel Tender in the photo used in the catalogs. Perhaps no pictures were taken from the early 1950's and Camel Tender had been lost or broken by the time the remaining pieces were photographed. Note the Herald Angel is also absent in the marketing picture above. Only six of the eight piece set are shown. This picture was first published in the 1978 catalog in which the Biblical collection had seven pages dedicated to current and past works. If the photograph was taken for the '78 catalog, some 20 years had passed and it was likely no Camel Tender Murals remained in the studio's archive for use in the picture. The same photograph was used in the following catalog released in 1979 in advance of the studio's proclaimed 40th anniversary.
The stated measurements quoted for the Camel Tender are closer to accurate. Studio publications state 8" while both copies pictured here measure 7 1/2" tall.
With no example from the studio pictured in marketing material there is nothing "official" to use when comparing surviving sculptures. But similarly as with the Shepherd with Flock and Shepherd Bearing Gifts Murals, it would be no surprise if a Camel Tender Mural was found with a goat or a sheep with its head raised as opposed to the grazing sheep seen it these copies.
The Shepherd Bearing Gifts sculpture was created from four units. The shepherd and two trees are standard, but the animal will vary from the goat to one of the two sheep. Like the other mural pieces the four were attached to the base. The Shepherd Bearing Gifts was retired at the same time the other murals were retired.
Issued / Completed Price
$45 $45 color
$30 $30 white
The catalog photo shows two trees, one full and the other slender. While the color copy in the previous picture had two full trees, note the white copy in the next picture has a full and a slender tree. However, the trees' positions are reversed. Also the goat was replaced by the grazing sheep. The fact the white copy in the catalog picture has the convex base indicates these changes were note made as part of a redesign when the new base was introduced.
The variations of the animals used on each piece, as noted on the Shepherd with Flock and here with the Shepherd Bearing Gifts, supports a concept that the studio staff did not follow an artist's proof. Staff likely had leeway to make necessary adjustments to keep productivity high. If the piece called for goat and no goats were ready for production, either sheep was an acceptable substitute.
Issued / Completed Price
$45 $45 color
$30 $30 white
The Three Wise Men sculpture was created from three units. The studio did not attempt to identify which wise man was which as they did with the 1980's Nativity. Like the other mural pieces, the three were attached to the base. They were retired when the other murals were retired.
The white sculpture on the left is the later version on a concave base while the older color version on the right has the bas-relief convex base.
Again here we have the published measurement shown as 9" tall when verified copies measure 7 1/2" tall.
No design variations have been noted but slight color variations are likely as other examples are found.
The Baby Jesus was created from three components, the manger, a halo and the baby. He was sold as a single item and not part of a set. He was retired during the mid to late 1950's.
Issued / Completed Price
$-- $-- (unknown at this time)
The baby and the manger were created from molds acquired from Holland Mold Company. The baby is the same infant seen with Madonna #223. The manger was designed by Holland for another baby but Cybis successfully combined the two creating this sculpture. The halo was selected from the studio's stock of four commonly used halos.
While the name assigned by the studio for this piece is unknown to date, it was listed in an early 1970's add by a gallery selling a collection of older Cybis items. The name listed by the gallery was "Child in Crib". It is possible this was the studio assigned name but that will remain uncertain until official documentation is found to confirm or refute what seems to be a very logical name.
Two sculptures from the same period show only minor color differences. No design variations are known.
The studio introduced a new series by revisiting an old theme. Nearly two decades had passed since Cybis offered nativity sculptures. The new set would start small and introduce new additions annually giving collectors something to look forward to each year at Christmas. During the first four years the studio released three new sculptures each year to compliment the existing group. Later years would see periodic items released randomly. All sculptures were available in Parian color or white.
Released in 1982 as design number 2159 measuring 9 1/2" tall. Issue price was $295 for color and $245 for white.
Released in 1982 as design number 2161 measuring 2 1/2" tall. Issue price was $275 for color and $115 for white.
Released in 1982 as design number 2160 measuring7 1/4" tall. Issue price was $295 for color and $245 for white.
Released in 1983 as design number 2166 measuring 9 1/2" tall. Issue price was $445 for color and $315 for white.
Released in 1983 as design number 2167 measuring 9 1/2" tall. Issue price was $445 for color and $315 for white.
Released in 1983 as design number 2165 measuring 7" tall. Issue price was $445 for color and $315 for white.
Released in 1984 as design number 2169 measuring 6 1/2" tall. Issue price was $495 for color and $395 for white.
Released in 1984 as design number 2170 measuring 9" tall. Issue price was $445 for color and $315 for white.
Released in 1984 as design number 2171 measuring 10" tall. Issue price was $695 for color and $495 for white.
Released in 1985 as design number 2173 measuring 4 1/2" tall. Issue price was $175 for color and $125 for white.
Released in 1985 as design number 2174 measuring 6 1/2" tall. Issue price was $195 for color and $130 for white.
Released in 1985 as design number 2175 measuring 4 3/4" tall. Issue price was $150 for color and $115 for white.
This sculpture was created specifically for the Hall of Fame (HoF) collection between 1991 and 1993.
Issued / Completed Price
$475 $595 in 1999
The "Nativity, Holy Family" was created by attaching the three units of Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph to a base. The three pieces were the same from "The First Christmas" nativity set. The studio reduced them in size, attached them to the base and made minor changes in the colors.
Measurements range from 6 1/4" to 6 1/2" tall. Due to mold shrinkage and kiln temperatures it is not uncommon for any sculpture to vary in size by up to a half inch.